

Bridge Cargo Coast Cranes 70419

Our work is to assess the conformity of companies and other parties. As such, we highly prioritise compliance to international, local and national legislation, including international norm documents. Compliance with these and the guarantee that all of our employees and other representatives are always honest and independent in all their work are some of the most important business values and both are integrated into all our processes.

By working towards these valuesrisk assessment and continuous improvement are integrated into our processes. We have worked towards consistent and strict policies in order to safeguard our independence, integrity and impartiality, but also to demonstrate a clear statement on more general issues such as human rights, corruption and the environment. These policies are not just on paper, they are in our DNA.  

Compliance objectives

Related to the subject of compliance, we hold the following objectives: 

  • To develop and maintain compliance to all relevant regulations and international norms; 
  • To maintain a culture in which each Qualitas Group employee and representative knows what is expected of them concerning compliance; 
  • To effectively monitor compliance by internal and external assessment.  


Compliance to ISO norms

In order to be able to do our work and take care of our employees, we comply with a number of ISO norms.  

  • Concerning part of the inspection activities, we have a valid ISO 17020 accreditation, limited to a scope of work as mentioned on the website of the Dutch Accreditation Council (where we are registered under registration number I236).
  • Concerning occupational health and safety, we work according to ISO 45001. 
  • Concerning corporate social responsibility, we work according to ISO 26000. 


For a good idea of our methods and compliance, download our policies on specific subjects below.